
Been working on some really interesting projects. The first of these has just been released via a guestpost on CreativeApplications.net. It’s a graphical user interface I made for the excellent Hemesh library by Frederik Vanhoutte. The video above (you can turn HD on) showcases some of the first things I created with it. It’s more than just a gui, because the shapes can now be rendered directly in Sunflow via Christopher Warnow’s SunflowApiApi.

Check out the full article on CreativeApplications.net.
Check out the source code on Google.
Check out the results on Flickr.

Stay tuned for my other projects. I’ll be releasing those via this blog in the new year! 😉

4 Responses to “HemeshGui”
  1. Paul says:

    Erg vet gedaan Amnon! Ik ga er morgen mee aan de gang om te kijken wat je er allemaal mee kunt doen. Ziet er erg veelbelovend uit 🙂

  2. Amnon says:

    Sterkte! 😀

  3. Ofer says:

    I realize this is kind of old post, but Im digging it alot!!!
    just one thing, I dont really get where can I change the parameters for the sunflow render? like background and light and camera and depth and so on…
    is there a .sc file somewhere?
    b.t.w I see now you are from Den Haag, me too. possible we even know each other!

    peace out

    • Amnon says:

      Thanks Ofer.

      There is no .sc file, you can code everything directly in Processing. Specifically you could adapt or add to the code in the file hemeshToSunflow.pde and even more specifically in the sunflow() function. You will see this example uses a thinsLensCamera, a shinyDiffuseShader, sunSkyLight etc. You can find out which functions you can use in the file SunflowApiApi.java. Basically all the regular Sunflow stuff (see the sunflow wiki) is available, only now directly from inside Processing / Java.

      Always good to hear about other creative coders in the Netherlands and even The Hague 😉

      Best regards,